Kimberley dinosaur tracks muse for acclaimed French artist

21 August 2019

UQ’s Dr Steve Salisbury is working with artist Angelika Markul as part of the innovative visual arts project ‘On the Trail of Dinosaurs’.

Dr Salisbury, whose research helped secure and reinforce National Heritage Listing for the dinosaur tracks of the Dampier Peninsula, said he hoped Angelika’s art would make the region’s natural and cultural heritage more accessible to a wider audience.

“People appreciate the dinosaur tracks of the Dampier Peninsula for many different reasons, be they scientific, cultural or aesthetic,” Dr Salisbury said.

“I think what makes them really special is the combination of all of those things.”

The project, due for completion in 2020, will feature a video installation and replicas of selected dinosaur tracks, made by researchers at UQ’s Dinosaur Lab, which Markul will re-cast in bronze.

Read the full UQ News Story here
