Antarctic Conference of Gondwanan Palaeontology - Cancellation
Cancellation Announcement
It is with great regret that we have had to cancel the travel component of the Antarctic Conference for Gondwana Palaeontology. Originally we were planning to hold the conference on board a small ship sailing the Antarctic Peninsula and visiting several sites of palaeontological and geological interest. However, several factors have combined to radically change the cost structure of this proposed venture and so we have had to cancel it.
We have nevertheless received a lot of interest in the conference, and so have decided to continue with a conference themed on Antarctic and Gondwanan Palaeontology to be held in Australia in mid 2010. If you are interested in possibly attending this conference, please contact either of us to register your interest and we’ll keep you supplied with information and details as they become available.
Conference organisers
Dr Paul Willis
700 Harris St
Ultimo, NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Dr Steve Salisbury
School of Integrative Biology
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Qld 4072, AUSTRALIA